The girl got up on the horse. It was a brown and white horse. It was a big horse.
She sat on the horse's back. She was taller than her father. She looked down at her
father. "Daddy, you are shorter than me," she said. Her daddy said, "Yes, you are
taller than me. You are taller than your mother. You are taller than the horse." The
horse started walking around in a circle. The girl held onto the reins. Her daddy
held onto the horse. She was having fun. She liked to ride the horse in a circle.
Someday she would ride the horse fast. Someday she would ride it straight and far
and fast. Her daddy told her to be patient. "You must crawl before you walk. You
must walk before you run. First, ride a slow horse. Then, ride a fast horse. " She
agreed with her daddy. "You are right, daddy, "she said. "I will be patient. Today I
am riding a slow horse. But someday I will ride a fast horse. I will ride my fast
horse all day, every day."
34. A Second Job
"We are running out of money," Dad said. "I must find another job." Mom was a
teacher. Dad was a teacher. They had four children. The baby had a rare disease.
She was always sick. They had to take her to the doctor often. The doctor was
expensive. But he took good care of the baby. He said she would be healthy in a
few years. But Dad owed the doctor a lot of money. He looked in the paper for
another job. He asked his friends about another job. Finally he found another job.
He became a taxi driver. After he taught school, he ate dinner. Then he went to the
taxi company. He drove the taxi to the airport. He picked up people at the airport.
He dropped off people at the airport. Some people gave him big tips. Some people
gave him small tips. Some people gave him no tips. He drove the taxi for eight
hours. Then he went home. He was tired. He went straight to sleep. Every night he
had a dream. Every night it was the same dream. Every night he dreamed about
money. Every night the money was on fire.
35. A Short Plane Ride
The pilot and the passenger got into the plane. It was a small plane. It had one
engine. It was an old plane. The pilot started the engine. "Are you okay?" he asked
the passenger. She said she was okay. They were flying to an island. The island
was only 30 minutes away. It would be a short flight. She was a nurse. Her
husband was a doctor. The doctor was on the island. The doctor needed some
medicine. She had the medicine in her bag. The medicine would save a young boy.