B môn Qu n tr chi n l c – Khoa TMĐTộ ả ị ế ượ
Tài li u tham kh oệ ả
[1] E-Marketing – Strauss, El-Anssary &Frost
(2003); Prentice Hall Publishing, 3rd edition
[2] Internet Marketing: Intergrating online and
offline strategy – Marry Low Roberts (2002);
McGraw-Hill Publishing
[3] Electronic Marketing: Intergrating electronic
resources into the marketing process – Joel Reedy,
Shara Schullo, Kenneth Jimmerman, Dryden
(2002); Harcourt College Publisher
[4] Marketing th ng m i đi n tươ ạ ệ ử - Nguy n ễ
Bách Khoa (2003); NXB Th ng Kê – Hà N iố ộ