Brand Image Development
[Volume 7, Issue 1(14), 2018]
Vilniaus kolegija/The University Applied Sciences, 08105, Lithuania
The article analyses the brand image concept, brand development stage, and the brand image importance. In
order to create a strong brand image, the user must be provided with the structured information, which is stored
in its memory and awareness shape and enhance the brand associations. To create a user emotional attachment
to the brand, it is necessary to use the trademark emotional stimuli. The source operating user creates the brand
image: the user experience (product use), friends and acquaintances assessments, information in mass
communication media and brand advertising. It is important that all the listed sources to provide the same
information and continually add more hints about the brand.
Key words: brand, brand image development, image, brand development stages
JEL Classification: M30, M39
If the brand image represents customer needs, values and the way of life, the user chooses exactly that
particular brand. Strong brand consumers prefer not only for quality but also for the image that they have designs
on the environment. users more visible differences between the competing brands, when used for emotional
rather than rational stimuli. Bearing in mind that the brand is constantly and rapidly increasing, it is important for
marketers to influence not only the user's mind, but also the heart, since the old brand has played an important
role in the market. Trademarks are so that the buyer acquires the remaining product and if he is satisfied, the
next time, it could more easier to identify products from the same manufacturer. Nowadays the importance of
trademarks in the market is growing rapidly. After all, the best brands are better known, more desired. But the
long-term brand-specific success does not depend on consumers who buy once, but on the number of consumers
who buy repeatedly, e.g. loyal to the brand.In fact, the brand the manufacturer (seller‘s) commitment to provide
the user with a certain product features, advantages, and even a set of services. Therefore, the ability to create,
maintain, protect, enhance brand image and expand the limits of use is the most important professional
marketing specialist task. For these reasons, trademarks and brand management is becoming one of the most
important marketing research objects. Purpose of article – to analyze the brand image development.
Brand image concept appeared in 1950. The famous advertising specialist Ogilvy in order to express the
feelings and emotions of users link to a specific product, proposed to use the term "brand image." Gardner and
Levy (1955), by definition, which combines physical characteristics, social and psychological implications. It
was a solid basis for the creation, a number of the following brand image definitions. The brand image is formed
spontaneously or created purposefully . Tangible product attributes, the functional and emotional benefits on the
basis of the consumer's mind as is considered a symbol or associations . Image value may change depending on
how it is related to the individual needs and social interaction, general skills, derived from a variety of sources,
user personality and the user values. Based on these findings, the concept of brand image is as follows: brand
image is the brand tangible and intangible attributes based on the association formed consumer's mind, the
meaning and intensity depends on the user's personality, his attitude towards the brand, social interaction and
brand communication.
Table 1. Brand image definition
Author Definition
Malik , Naeem ,
Munawar (2012)
Brand image is an integral component of brand equity as it conveys the worth
of the brand to the consumers.
Arora , Stoner (2009) Brand image represents the emotional aspects that identify the brand of a
company or its products, and has a powerful impact on consumer buying
[Volume 7, Issue 1(14), 2018]
Aaker (1992) Brand image as a “set of associations, usually organized in some meaningful
Keller (1993) Brand image as a“perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand
associations held in consumer memory”.
Aaker (1997) While Brand image represents all the emotional aspects that identify a brand,
brand personality represents human characteristics that have been given to a
Kalieva (2015) “Brand” and “image”—are single, but not identical concepts. “Image” in
relation to “brand” is perceived by the target audience as “a generalized
portrait” of the branded object. The image-generating qualities are planned
actions of the branded object, demonstrating them we can form public
Lee , James, Kim
Brand image forms the basis for making better strategic marketing decisions
about targeting specific market segments and positioning a product.
Herzog (1963) Brand image is the sum total of impressions the consumer receives from many
Dichter (1985) Brand image is the configuration of the whole field of the object, the
advertising, and more important, the customer’s disposition and the attitudinal
screen through which he observes.
Chien-Hsiung (2011) Brand image is indispensable for marketing where customers infer the quality
of products by the brand image and are further stirred up the behavior of
purchasing. B
Ballantyne, Warren ,
Nobbs (2005)
Brand image as the material property associated with the brand, such as the
product name and the packing, which could make profits or sense for
customers and help or increase describing the characteristics.
Dobni (1990) Brand image as the brand concept that customers held.
Robert , Patrick (2009) Most brand image was subjectively perceived image, which was interpreted
from the rationality or the sensitivity of customers.
Magid, Cox (2006) Magid and Cox (2006) considered brand image as a set of assets and liabilities
linked with brand name and sign that the assets and liabilities increased or
reduced the value by the enterprise providing products or services for
customers. Brand image included the customer responses to the brand name,
sign or impression, and also represented the symbol of the product quality.
Porter (1997) Porter (1997) measured brand image from two dimensions, namely the
symbol and the function. With adjectives to measure the two dimensions, the
measuring items mainly focused on the utility of the brand regarding the
function, while words like symbolic, reputable, status symbol, and identifiable
were contained in terms of symbolic image. Positive and negative adjectives,
such as simple, romantic, successful, common, ordinary, obedient, calm, and
elegant, were utilized to describe the characteristics of users
Schiffman , Kanuk (
A positive brand image will enable marketing program can be liked and be
able to produce unique associations to the brand that always exist in customer
Pujadi (2010) Brand image is often referenced in the psychological aspects of the image or
impression that is built into the subconscious of consumers through the
expectations and experience of taking the brand over a product or service,
thus forming a positive brand image is becoming increasingly important to be
owned by the company.
Winarso (2012) Brand image is also regarded as a description of the offer of the company
which includes the symbolic meaning associated customers through specific
attributes of the products or services.
Hawkins, Best, &
Coney, (2004).
Brand image is a perception in the mind of the customers a good impression
of a brand.
[Volume 7, Issue 1(14), 2018]
Morhart, Malär, Guèvremont (2014) state that in order to engage in meaningful branding efforts, it is
imperative for marketers to understand the nature of authenticity of their branded products and services, as well
as its drivers and consequences. Both academics and practitioners therefore agree on the importance of
authenticity for consumer behavior and branding. As Maurya and Mishra (2012) state that brands are
omnipresent; they penetrate almost every aspect of our life: economic, social, cultural, sporting, even religion
.Due to brand tendency to pervade everywhere they have come under growing criticism .In post modern societies
where individuals want to give the name to their consumption, brands can and should be analyzed through
various perspectives: macroeconomics; microeconomics, sociology, anthropology, history, semiotics, philosophy
and so on (Kapferer, 2004). As stated by Bivainienė (2010), the concept of brand life is firstly described as the
distinguishing of separate stages in which a brand is introduced to the market, the sales of products (marked with
brand) are increasing and later decreasing. In the last stage, a brand may be related to other products. Brand
image development is to develop and strengthen its professional services in the process. How can we help
companies develop their own brands? We divide the process into three stages.
• The first step is to get your brand strategy right and align with business goals.
The second is developing all the tools you need to communicate the brand, such as logo, slogan, and
• Finally, it is to strengthen its newly created or updated brand stage.
There are brand-building strategy steps:
1. Consider overall business strategy and indentify target customers
A strong, well-differentiated brand will grow company much easier. But what kind of a company do you
want? Are you planning to grow organically? Your overall business strategy is the context of your brand-
building strategy, because this is the place to start. If you are clear about where you want to take your company,
your brand will get you there. Who is your target customer? If you say "all" you are making a very big mistake.
Our research clearly shows that high-growth, high profits of the company are focused on having a well-defined
target customers. In a narrower focus, the faster the growth. The more diverse target audience, the more reduced
your marketing efforts will be. So how do you know if you have selected the correct target customer group?
That's where the next step is coming.
2. Research target group of customers and develop brand positioning.
Businesses that carry out a systematic research on your target group of customers grow faster and are
more profitable (see figure). In addition, those who investigate more often (at least once a quarter) are growing
even faster. Analysis helps you understand your target customer perspective and priorities, their needs and
submit its report to the language that resonates with them. It also tells how they assess your company's strengths
and its current brand. As such, it significantly reduces marketing risks related to brand development. Companies
research their target audiences to promote the growth and profitability. Now you are ready to set up your
company's brand positioning in professional services market (also known as the market situation). As your
company is different from others why should potential customers within your target audience choose to work
with you? A positioning statement is usually three to five sentences long and captures your brand positioning
essence. It must be based on reality, because you will have to deliver on what they promise.
3. Develop messaging strategy, name, logo.
Your next step is to messaging strategy that makes your brand positioning in the messages to your various
target audiences. Your target audience usually includes potential customers, potential employees, referral sources
or other influential and potential partnership opportunities that wide usual suspects. While your core brand
positioning must be the same for all audiences, each audience will be interested in its different aspects. Messages
for each audience will highlight the most pressing issues. Each audience will also have specific issues that must
be addressed, and each will have different types of evidence to support their messages. Your messages strategy
should address all of these needs. This is an important step in making your brand relevant to your target
audience. For many companies, the name is required. But if you are a new company in which the merger takes
place, or burdened with a name that no longer fits your situation, the name change might be in order. Even if you
do not have to change its strong name, a new logo and slogan it might make sense to better support their brand
positioning. Remember that your name, the logo and the slogan is not your brand. They are the ways to
communicate or symbolize your brand. You have to live it, that it's real. And do not make the show a new logo
around inside to get a consensus mistake. The name, the logo and the slogan is not for you. They own the market
and should be seen how well they communicate, rather than the number of partners like them.
4. Develop marketing strategy and website.
We could have called this step "to develop their marketing strategy." Your website is your single most
important brand-building tool. This is the place where all of your audience turns to find out what you're doing,
how you're doing and who your customers are. Potential customers are not likely to choose your company based
solely on its site. But they may well manage you if your site is sending the wrong message. Also, your site will
[Volume 7, Issue 1(14), 2018]
be at home with its valuable content. That the content will be your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to
your prospects, potential employees, referral sources will find you and learn about your company in the
spotlight. Online content is the most important of any modern brand-building strategies. These days, professional
services websites are of two kinds. The first is the brand's website. This site tells a story and conveys who you
are, who you serve, and what you're doing. In short, it conveys the brand message. Another variety makes the
above, as well as generate and foster new potential customers. We call these High Performance sites.
5. Build marketing tools and monitor. The next step in this process is to create your marketing package.
This may include one page sales sheets, "which describes the basic service offerings and key markets served. In
addition, there may be a short "pitch deck" that is an overview of the company or the main victims, and an
electronic brochure about the company. It is rare printed pieces anymore. There is a marketing kit which also
includes videos. Popular video themes solid reviews, case studies, or in line with partner videos. The main
service offerings are also very useful. If prepared properly, they serve not only as a business development
function, but it is also important for brand development. Obviously, to win the branding strategy does not do
much good if it has never been implemented. You might be surprised at how often it happens. A solid strategy is
developed and launched with all the well-intentioned company mustered. Then reality intervened. People are
busy with client work and brand development tasks get put off then forget it. That's why tracking is very
important. We strongly recommend that you keep track of both the Plan, as well as the results of implementation.
Is the strategy to get implemented as planned? What happened to objective measures, such as search engine
traffic and web visitors? How many new wires, employee requests and cooperating opportunities have been
created? Only tracking the entire process can make sure that you are drawing the right conclusions and making
the right changes.
There you have it - 10-tier brand development process to drive growth and profitability of your company.
As stated by Anwar, Gulzar, Sohail, Akram (2011), the brand effect is explained as the power of a brand
to extract a highly positive response emotionally after its usage (Chaudhri; Holbrook (2001)), whereas brand
trust is the will of the consumer to depend on the brand‟s promise of performing a specific mentioned task
(Moorman,Zaltman & Deshpande (1992)). Karadeniz (2010) state that a brand reflects the quality of a firm’s
products rather than the firm’s name, logo, color, etc. In short, the brand is perception of the consumers towards
the firms. Therefore, firms are creating strong brands to be one step ahead of their rivals in a fierce competition.
Best brands stand for something. Symbols are the fastest form of communication from a brand to the consumer.
They become more powerful with frequent use and are the most visible reminders of what the brand stands for.
A brand’s identity must express the organization’s unique mission, history, culture, values, and personality.
Nike’s logo was designed in 1971 and is an abstraction of a wing, after the Greek goddess of victory– Nike. This
symbol gives the meaning to a company that markets running shoes and inspires consumers to “Just do it”.
Brands are always competing with each other within their business category, and at some level,
competing with all brands that want the attention of consumers. Because of this competition, it is not enough to
just be different. Brands need to demonstrate and communicate their difference, making it easy for customers to
understand that difference.
Consumers are reassured by logos, symbols and trademarks that are familiar to them. In order to be
familiar, brands need to commit to a central idea over time in order to transcend change and remain
recognizable. An effective brand identity positions a company for change and growth in the future. It supports an
evolving marketing strategy.
According to Bakanausko (1999), consumers value directly identifies with the price, describing the value
as a choice between the price paid and received quality, Aaker (1996) believes that the brand, the consumer
should have known, or at least you have heard that it could expect a certain quality. Kotler, Keller (2006) It
emphasises that the strong brand has its own value, which leads to customer loyalty to the brand, the brand name
of the prevalence of perceived quality of the product
related associations, financial value, allowing to buy or sell, and other values. By the way, the loyalty
factor mentioned above is stated by one of the key authors of the time, by telling a, that it is the most important
measure of the value of the brand. Brand value is proposed to measure the consumers' point of view, and
includes the following items: brand awareness, association and religion as well as look and feel. Each of these
elements can describe the strength of the brand to others, competing branding point of view. With these brand
strength measurement criteria: how many people have heard of a certain brand and the perception of it, how
many people It expresses a strong loyalty to their actions and words, or brand evoked rational emotional benefits.
The brand performs a variety of functions, providing adequate benefits for the enterprise and consumer
goods. The main function of the mark - to encourage consumers to distinguish goods or services originating
source - the manufacturer, to distinguish the product or service from others (consumer goods or services
[Volume 7, Issue 1(14), 2018]
separately according to the brand and expect the same quality), as well as to promote brand and its products,
furthermore, its used and registered trademark must be special:
1. informative, attractive and memorable experience for the consumer and the only one in the market.
2. It is also possible to define the main functions important to the consumer and the company.
The user key brand features:
1. Simplifies the selection of goods;
2. Reduces the risk of purchasing and ensure quality;
3. Provides psychological satisfaction, symbolizing the appropriate status.
The company focused on brand features:
1. Promotes sales, if the mark recognized in the market;
2. Facilitates the introduction of new products on the market;
3. Strengthen the efficiency of support measures;
4. Extends product life cycle;
5. Strengthen customer loyalty;
6. Provides added value of goods;
7. facilitate market segmentation;
8. Develop a financial benefit (asset).
Linking the brand with the company, he has to associate with the company's culture, programs, values and
priority on innovation, quality, customer orientation, war, the tastes and expectations. The brand being seen in
the market, besides it more difficult for competitors to copy.
he brand developed based on the product uniqueness and distinctive characteristics, relevant to the user,
as well as selecting the appropriate container, its shape, color, brand name, brand character, etc.
If the brand in the market is seen well, the company can sell its brand products more expensively than its
competitors, while a favorable corporate image evaluation allows for more efficient implementation of the
company's marketing strategy to get a more favorable assessment of the company's development activities and
help to overcome the crisis and innovation presentation problems.
Trademark advantages:
• facilitate the identification of goods. The user can order a product or service to their profile;
• guaranteeing the product quality. Login in the future will be able to buy the same brand good product;
• It is clear that the company manufactures a product or provides a service;
• consumer brand recognition, increased brand prestige;
• consumers seem that they are less at risk when they buy goods for which the mark is well aware;
• a well-known brands attract more display channel participants;
• using many brands attract different market segments of users.
The brand may be:
• individual, that is, it is given for each item;
• one mark for all the goods. In this case, luxury goods and mass product have the same sign;
• brand and trademark combination.
The brand is important for both businesses and consumers, as it is associated with:
• characteristics of goods - full, sweet, nutritious;
Goods advantages - its functional and emotional benefits of guaranteed qualities, such as padding, so it
requires little;
the values that are important to the consumer, such as the consumer it is important to food quality and
prestige, then it is likely that he will have lunch "glass" and non-food stores in the bar;
• the personality of the user self-image is identical to the generated image.
So, the brand is a complex entity, and if the company perceives the mark only as a brand name, it does not
understand the essence of the brand.The brand-building objective is to develop a meaningful brand image and
association system.
The brand development is based on the product uniqueness and distinctive characteristics, relevant to the
user, as well as selecting the appropriate container, its shape, color, brand name, brand character, etc. If the brand
in the market is seen well, the company has products of the brand which can be sold more expensively than
similar goods sold by competitors, while a favorable corporate image evaluation allows for more efficient
implementation of the company's marketing strategy to get a more favorable assessment of the company's
development activities and helps to overcome the crisis and innovation presentation problems.
[Volume 7, Issue 1(14), 2018]
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Brand Image Development ( PHAT TRIEN HINH ANH THUONG HIEU )
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