1. He was born in 1929, in Georgia, the USA.
2. He was a preacher.
3. He fought for the rights of black America ns.
4. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and was a hero for millions of Americans.
5. He was shot by James Earl Ray.
2. Read the text about Nelson Mandela and do the activity that follow.
Đọc văn bản về Nelson Mandela và thực hiện các hoạt động tiếp theo.
Nelson Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa. He grew up in a poor family, and he was
the first child in the family to go to school. He became interested in politics and was forced to leave his
first university for protesting.
At the time, South Africa suffering from apartheid, which meant that the black and white residents of
South Africa were separated from each other. People had to carry identity cards with their race on it.
Black and white people were not allowed to get married to each other.
Mandela witnessed all this and decided to fight against it. He joined a rebel group which attacked
government and rnilitary targets. He was arrested in 1962 and put into prison for the next 27 years.
During these 27 years, Nelson Mandela lived in a prison cell on a small island. He had to work very hard
like other prisoners. It was such a horrible life for a great man.
However, when he was in prison, people began to find out more about his struggles for democracy and
justice. When he was released in 1990, he was a worldwide hero. He continued to fight against the
ruling government. Eventually, in 1994 his struggles were successful, and Nelso Mandela became the
first democratically elected president of South Africa. Apartheid no longer exists.
Decide if the following statements are true or false about Nelson Mandela. Write T for True and F
for False in the space provided.
Quyết định xem những tuyên bố sau đây là đúng hay sai về Nelson Mandela. Viết T cho đúng và F
cho Sai trong không gian được cung cấp.
1. Nelson Mandela was born and grown up in a rich family