IELTS writing – Từ vựng chủ đề Family (P1)
Từ vựng trong IELTS Writing task 2 – chủ đề Family
(Phần 1)
Muốn đạt điểm cao trong IELTS Writing, có những nguyên tắc về từ vựng nhất đinh mà
các thí sinh cần tuân thủ. Một trong số đó là sử dụng từ vựng đúng chủ đề.
Dưới đây là từ và cụm từ về chủ đề Family các bạn cùng theo dõi nhé!
Changes in family structures
– Nuclear family (compound noun)
Meaning: A couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
Vietnamese: Gia đình hạt nhân
– Extended family (compound noun)
Meaning: A family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and
other relatives.
Vietnamese: Gia đình nhiều thế hệ
Example: People tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended
– Only child (compound noun)
Meaning: A child having no siblings
Vietnamese: Con một
Example: Parents tend to have fewer children. In the past, only a tenth of children were
an only child, but now they take up more than 30%.
– Single – parent family (compound noun)
Meaning: A family consists of only a parent
Vietnamese: Gia đình đơn thân
Example: Single-parent family is becoming more popular. In the last century, it was
very uncommon for children to be brought up by a single parent, but now it has gained
Reasons for changes
– Birth control (noun phrase)
Meaning: The practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, especially by use of
Vietnamese: Kiểm soát sinh sản
Example: One of the principal reasons for smaller family units is birth control.
– Contraception (noun)
Meaning: The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent
Vietnamese: Tránh thai
Example: This may be due to a rise in the number of medical clinics or the distribution of
free contraception.
Effects of changes
– Sibling rivalry (compound noun)
Meaning: Competition for the same objective between brothers or sisters
Vietnamese: Tranh cãi trong anh em
Example: Having less children creates some benefits such as preventing the sibling
rivalry which normally happens in the family.
– Conflict (noun)
Meaning: A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
Vietnamese: Sự tranh cãi
– Generation gap (compound noun)
Meaning: A difference of attitudes between people of different generations, leading to a
lack of understanding.
Vietnamese: Khoảng cách thế hệ
Example: A smaller family with fewer generations living in the same household can
avoid conflicts or generation gaps.
– Spoil (verb)
Meaning: Diminish or destroy the value or quality of.
Vietnamese: làm hư hỏng
Example: Even though having less children in a family can be somehow beneficial, I
believe that it will spoilchildren and result in a society of selfish individuals to some
Changes in the roles of members in family
– Breadwinner (noun)
Meaning: A person who earns money to support their family, typically the sole one.
Vietnamese: trụ cột
Example: In the past, fathers were breadwinners in a family, while mothers remained at
home to take care of children.
– Gender role (noun phrase)
Meaning: the role or behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender,
determined by the prevailing cultural norms.
Vietnamese: vai trò theo giới tính
Example: But now these traditional gender roles are gradually changing.
– Maternity leave (noun phrase)
Meaning: A period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of
her child.
Vietnamese: chế độ nghỉ thai sản
– Pregnancy (noun)
Meaning: The condition or period of being pregnant.
Vietnamese: mang thai
Example: Example: Modern working women can take maternity leave during and
after pregnancy and after this period, they tend to continue to go to work again.
– Paternity leave (noun phrase)
Meaning: A period of absence from work granted to a father after or shortly before the
birth of his child.
Vietnamese: Chế độ nghỉ cho chồng khi vợ sinh con
– Househusband (noun)
Meaning: A man who lives with a partner and carries out household duties traditionally
done by a housewife rather than going out to work.
Vietnamese: người chồng ở nhà làm việc nội trợ
Example: Paternity leave and “househusbands” are becoming more common. This
leads to a growing gender equality.
Causes and effects
– Responsibility (noun)
Meaning: The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control
over someone.
Vietnamese: trách nhiệm
Example: Both parents are more aware of the gender equality, so they think they should
share the same responsibilities of work and household chores.
– Eradicate (verb)
Meaning: Destroy completely; put an end to.
Vietnamese: xóa bỏ
Example: The pay gap between genders are slowly being eradicated.
– Sacrifice (verb)
Meaning: Give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations
Vietnamse: hy sinh
– Assume (verb)
Meaning: Take on or adopt
Vietnamese: Trông nom
– Domestic (adjective)
Meaning: Relating to the running of a home or to family relations.
Vietnamese: trong nhà
Example: The changes in the roles of members in the family could be seen as progress
because women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their own careers
to assume childcare and domestic.
Working parents
– Working parents (compound noun)
Meaning: mother or father or both go to work
Vietnamese: bố mẹ cùng đi làm
Example: More parents now are working parents, so they leave their children at home
– Ease off (phrasal verb)
Meaning: Make (something unpleasant or intense) less serious or severe
Vietnamese: Làm giảm
Example: When a mother works, it means that she is helping to ease off her husband’s
financial burden and stress.
– Foundation (noun)
Meaning: An underlying basis or principle
Vietnamese: nền tảng
– Close-knit (adjective)
Meaning: Bound together by strong relationships and common interests.
Vietnamese: khăng khít
Example: A stable source of finance is always a foundation of every family’s happiness
and close-knit
thông tin tài liệu
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