Or consider parents deciding how to spend their family income. They can buy
food, clothing, or a family vacation. Or they can save some of the family income
for retirement or the children’s college education. When they choose to spend an
extra dollar on one of these goods, they have one less dollar to spend on some
other good.
When people are grouped into societies, they face different kinds of tradeoffs.
The classic tradeoff is between “guns and butter.” The more we spend on national
defense to protect our shores from foreign aggressors (guns), the less we can spend
on consumer goods to raise our standard of living at home (butter). Also important
in modern society is the tradeoff between a clean environment and a high level of
income. Laws that require firms to reduce pollution raise the cost of producing
goods and services. Because of the higher costs, these firms end up earning smaller
profits, paying lower wages, charging higher prices, or some combination of these
three. Thus, while pollution regulations give us the benefit of a cleaner environ-
ment and the improved health that comes with it, they have the cost of reducing
the incomes of the firms’ owners, workers, and customers.
Another tradeoff society faces is between efficiency and equity. Efficiency
means that society is getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity
means that the benefits of those resources are distributed fairly among society’s
members. In other words, efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie, and
equity refers to how the pie is divided. Often, when government policies are being
designed, these two goals conflict.
Consider, for instance, policies aimed at achieving a more equal distribution of
economic well-being. Some of these policies, such as the welfare system or unem-
ployment insurance, try to help those members of society who are most in need.
Others, such as the individual income tax, ask the financially successful to con-
tribute more than others to support the government. Although these policies have
the benefit of achieving greater equity, they have a cost in terms of reduced effi-
ciency. When the government redistributes income from the rich to the poor, it re-
duces the reward for working hard; as a result, people work less and produce
fewer goods and services. In other words, when the government tries to cut the
economic pie into more equal slices, the pie gets smaller.
Recognizing that people face tradeoffs does not by itself tell us what decisions
they will or should make. A student should not abandon the study of psychology
just because doing so would increase the time available for the study of econom-
ics. Society should not stop protecting the environment just because environmen-
tal regulations reduce our material standard of living. The poor should not be
ignored just because helping them distorts work incentives. Nonetheless, ac-
knowledging life’s tradeoffs is important because people are likely to make good
decisions only if they understand the options that they have available.
Because people face tradeoffs, making decisions requires comparing the costs and
benefits of alternative courses of action. In many cases, however, the cost of some
action is not as obvious as it might first appear.
Consider, for example, the decision whether to go to college. The benefit is in-
tellectual enrichment and a lifetime of better job opportunities. But what is the
cost? To answer this question, you might be tempted to add up the money you
the property of society getting the
most it can from its scarce resources
the property of distributing economic
prosperity fairly among the members
of society