The whole Tieng Anh 5 - Student’s Book –
reects the carefully sequenced
pedagogy of warm-up, presentation,
practice, and application to develop
English for basic levels and skills through
the twenty units and four reviews. The
twenty richly illustrated, cross-curricular
and theme-based units focus on oering
pupils motivation, memorable lessons
and a joyful learning experience of
The characters in the Student’s Book are
built up from Tieng Anh 3 and Tieng Anh 4
creating a feeling of child-friendly and
familiar contact.
Clear lessons follow a logical progression
and include a wide range of activities
that help pupils develop interaction,
coordination, critical thinking, and
pre-language skills as they learn to
understand and use English in its spoken
and written forms.
Each unit contains three lessons which are
organized around a topic under one of the themes – Me and My Friends, Me and My School,
Me and My Family, and Me and the World Around – and oers pupils a sense of security
through predictable activities which are systematically sequenced from listening to
speaking, reading and writing. Each lesson provides materials for two periods (or eighty
minutes) of class contact.
Singing activities, total physical response (TPR), chants, and exciting games are included
to reinforce previously learnt English, motivate and support pupils in building their
condence in communicating.
The following is a brief description of how a unit is organized and the purpose of each
part of the lesson.
Tieng Anh 5 is the third of the three-level English coursebooks for Vietnamese
primary school pupils learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The book
follows a systematic, cyclical and theme-based syllabus approved by the Ministry
of Education and Training in August, 2010, which covers a thorough development
of skills but gives particular emphasis to listening and speaking at the early stages.