Page Instructions: Make your own “Aa” page.
Draw, cut and paste pictures that start with the /a/
sound. Cut and paste words with the letter A from
magazines or newspapers. Use the lines to practice
writing letters and/or copy simple words & sentences.
Activity: Make three boxes on the board. Write the short vowel in the middle box. Add beginning and ending
consonants such as “c” and “t.” Track as you segment and blend the word: /c/-/a/-/t/, /cat/. Say, “Let’s think
of more words that have /a/ in the middle, like CAT.” Give additional clues if students are having difficulty.
Word List: back, bag, basket, bath, black, cab, can, cat, class, crack, dad, fan, fast, flag, glass, grass, ham, jack,
lamp, lap, last, man, map, mask, mat, math, nap, pants, plant, ran, rat, sad, sand, snap, splash, tag, tan, van.