summer. The rain helps the corn grow. If there is no rain, the corn dies. If there is a
lot of rain, there is a lot of corn. He harvests the yellow corn in late summer. He
sells the corn at his vegetable stand. He sells one ear for 25 cents. He sells four ears
for $1. He sells all his corn in just one month. The neighbors love his corn. The
corn is fresh. It is bright yellow. It is tasty. It is delicious. The birds love his corn,
too. They don't pay for it. They eat it while it is in the field. They don't cook it.
They eat it raw. The farmer doesn't get angry. Birds have to eat, too. So do cows.
The farmer has one cow. He gives his cow fresh corn every summer. The cow
loves the corn. It eats a lot of yellow corn in the summer. Sometimes it makes
yellow milk.
19. God Loves Babies
The husband and wife wanted to have a baby. They prayed for a baby. God
answered their prayers. The doctor said they were going to have a baby. The wife
asked, "How many?" The doctor said he didn't know yet. The husband and wife
were very happy. Now they would have a baby. They both wanted to have a baby.
They visited the doctor a month later. He examined the wife. He used a special
machine. He saw the baby. He saw more than one baby. He saw two babies. He
saw more than two babies. He counted the babies. He told the wife, "You will have
more than one baby. You will have eight babies." The wife couldn't believe it. Her
husband couldn't believe it. Eight babies! "We will have a big family," said the
husband. "We will have a very big family," said the wife. "But how can we pay for
all these babies?" asked the husband. "We can pay for one baby. But eight babies
cost a lot of money. How can we pay for eight babies?" The wife said, "We will
find a way. God will help us find a way." They both smiled. They would have a big
happy family.
20. Don't Be Late
He was late. He was always late. Why did time always go so fast? Time always
went too fast. He looked at his watch. He looked at the clock on the wall. They
both said 6:10. He had to leave in 10 minutes. But first he had to shave. Then he
had to brush his teeth. Then he had to get dressed. Shaving took time. Brushing his
teeth took time. Getting dressed took time. But he had only 10 minutes. So he
turned off the TV. He turned off the radio, too. He turned off the table lamp. He
went into the bathroom. He shaved. He brushed his teeth. He went into his