“I know that’s a lot to take in, so let me know if anything I’ve said doesn’t make
“Hope the above helps, but email again if you’re still having any difficulties.”
When you’re asking the recipient to take some action
Very formal
“I would appreciate your help in this matter.”
More informal/friendly
“Could you look into this?”
“Would you mind checking it out for me?”
“Thanks in advance.”
“Can you get back to me once you’ve had a chance to investigate?”
“I’d love to hear your advice on this one.”
When you need a response (but not necessarily any action taking)
Very formal
“I await a response at your earliest convenience.”
More informal/friendly
“Can you drop me a quick word so I know you’ve received this?”
“Look forward to hearing from you.”
When you’ve heard nothing back and want to chase up a reply
Very formal
“In reference to my email of June 20th …”
More informal/friendly
“Just wondered if you got my email (June 20th)?”
“When you get a moment, could you drop me a line about my last email?”