- Asks Ss to look through the summary
and define the general information they
need to fill in.
- Asks Ss to work in groups to complete
the summary, then goes round to help Ss.
- Gets feedback and helps Ss to correct.
* Answer key:
1. leaving 2. home 3. city
4. rural 5. city 6. problems
7. schools 8. hospitals 9. problem 10.
2. Find the antonyms (Part 2-P.75) (7’)
- Instructs Ss with the phrases and gives
their meaning.
- Asks Ss to read the text again to find out
the words that have the same meaning.
- Gets feedback.
- Checks the understanding and explain
more about that.
* Answer key:
a, rural d, a strain
b, plentifue, a tragedy
c,increase f, urban
- Writes down the two questions and asks
Ss to share their ideas in groups.
1. What are the problems of the farmers?
2. What happened when a lot of people
are moving to the city?
- Gets feedback and adds more details.
1.- Getting little money from their jobs
- Typhoons, droughts,... can destroy a
2. + Increased population: overcrowding
in many cities; a strain on schools,
hospitals, water and electricity supplies
+ Families: Living apart; children live
with relatives, not their parents.
- Read through and focus on the word
form to complete it.
- Read the text and share their ideas to
complete the summary.
- Speak out their answers and explain
where they can find the information
- Follow teacher/s instructions.
- Read it and then share their ideas in
- Give their answers.
- Give out the information in the text and
copy down.
- Share their ideas in groups, may read
the text to get more ideas.
- Speak out their ideas and copy down.